Gemini monthly horoscope january 2021 susan miller

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I have many stories about my experiences as a pioneer on the Internet, but I will save those for another time. One of my greatest challenges was the sudden difficulty with my eyes that came up suddenly and without warning in July. I find it an undisciplined way to write.

Besides, my love for you, dear reader, got me now so close to a solution to my eyes! Now I am looking at a third eye operation as the doctors are helping me in small steps because my eyes needed time to heal in between each procedure. For the first time in four years, I am able to see my face in the mirror and the words on my iPhone and my computer screen in all their crystalline beauty.

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

I was marveling at the beautiful shape of the words and the fonts. It made me remember why I love writing so much. All surgery is a risk, but I believe in living live life courageously. It took a lot of convincing of my four doctors to fix my terrible problem. At first, no doctor wanted to touch my eye, as I only have one good eye the other one is beyond hope, ravaged by a serious genetic problem I inherited with both eyes, despite treating both eyes every four weeks for 11 years.

I must also give credit to my Catholic faith and to St. Lucy, patron saint of eyesight, who has stood by me through this frightening ordeal. I want to continue writing Astrology Zone, my apps, books, calendar, and international columns, and in the future, after all these surgeries, that will be very possible.

Thank you for waiting for your December forecast. I had finished the Astrological Calendar, and my editor, Edward Rubinstein, would need to call me to ask questions about some of the days I had written about, and sometimes asked me to compress the number of words and characters concerning several calendar dates before it went to Michelle Roque, our talented art director in Los Angeles.

My artist is the same person I love and have been working with over the past few years, French artist Izak Zenou. Here is our cover, below.

Horoscopes by Jamie Partridge

We go to press as soon as the last artwork from Izak is done! I have seen half the calendar, approved the pen and inks before the color was layered on, and I am breathless with excitement. Please order your copy and one for your mother, assistant, or best friend, too.

To receive your free daily horoscope, sign up here.

Once you have it, you can plan your biggest initiations far in advance by checking what I wrote about the most important days. Have a Happy New Year, dear reader! You are entering with a clean slate and so many new opportunities! Subscription Login. Dear Reader, December is such a big month on so many levels, I hardly knew where to start! You probably send love letters, but also cut out clippings of interesting articles for each other.

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You are good at sharing and adore travel. A sense of fun unites you, with little jokes and pranks being a regular part of everyday living. Neither of you is really domestic, so perhaps you should hire cleaning help.

So get a good accountant and do what she says to do, Gemini. They say a Gemini is looking for his or her lost twin — the other half, in the cosmic sense. You may have just found your soul mate — so if you are happy, enjoy your Gemini match. You can make this union work very well if you try.

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  • Subscription Login. Try Another Match I am a My match is New Articles from Susan. More from Astrology Zone. Sign Up Now. News You Can Use. Traders, officers or those connected with medicine may get some spectacular success.

    Horoscopes by Jamie Partridge

    The youth may emerge with flying colours from the interview test they gave for a job. May plan for long journeys; some of them may prove quite profitable. In order to consolidate on your property-hold you may indulge in some buying and selling deals. Your held up money will be realized.

    horoscopes predictions from Susan Miller, for each sign | Well+Good

    It will be a favourable phase. May spend time in loving care of the kids. Aries Third Week - Jan. The students or jobless persons will have to face stiffer challenges in their career or getting the job. Misunderstanding may dilute the warmth in old relations. Success in the govt. A long-drawn project may get duly completed. On 21st your prestige will swell with additional honour.

    gemini monthly horoscope january 2021 susan miller Gemini monthly horoscope january 2021 susan miller
    gemini monthly horoscope january 2021 susan miller Gemini monthly horoscope january 2021 susan miller
    gemini monthly horoscope january 2021 susan miller Gemini monthly horoscope january 2021 susan miller
    gemini monthly horoscope january 2021 susan miller Gemini monthly horoscope january 2021 susan miller
    gemini monthly horoscope january 2021 susan miller Gemini monthly horoscope january 2021 susan miller
    gemini monthly horoscope january 2021 susan miller Gemini monthly horoscope january 2021 susan miller
    gemini monthly horoscope january 2021 susan miller Gemini monthly horoscope january 2021 susan miller

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