Scorpio monkey compatibility

Monkey Fortune in 2020

What's Your Lucky Number? Keep Reading 1. The calm, kind, low-key and restrained male Oxen pursue the steady life and don't like to be flamboyant. In love relationship, they warm up slowly and are not good at speaking sugared words or creating romantic surprises to delight their partners. However, they are very faithful and can bring the steadiest life to their loved ones. With a tolerant attitude towards love, they listen to their wives and think their women are always right.

Male Ox in Love. The active Monkey girls hate to be restrained by anyone or any relationship. If they have to give up freedom for love, they would rather be alone. Perhaps only if they meet the one for whom they are willing to give up freedom can they become attached.

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What they want is a shelter to count on and a happy family. Female Monkey in Love.

Dragon (zodiac) - Wikipedia

Ox is the symbol of diligence in Chinese culture. People under the sign of the Ox are usually hard working, honest, creative, ambitious, cautious, patient and handle things steadily. On the negative side, Ox people might be stubborn, narrow-minded, indifferent, prejudiced, slow and not good at communication. Personality Traits for Male Ox. He is full of ideas as interesting as they are avant-garde. Lively and agile, but also independent and reckless, the Monkey-Gemini does not get rid of a superficial side that he assumes without any shame. Insensitive to mockery as to flattery, he looks ahead to reach his objectives.

Charming and epicurean in his social relations, he knows how to conduct his projects without asking anyone for help. His communication skills impress all the more because he is very quick at learning new languages. At work, the Monkey-Gemini also knows how to combine the formulation of his sentences with the modulation and tone of his voice in order to easily obtain the approval of his customers or colleagues.

In addition, his projects and his ambition are so sparkling that he always has one or two surprises in store to finally convince his interlocutors.

The Impulsive Scorpio Monkey Personality

He is also able to accept many compromises the time he finally reaches his goal. Even against all odds, the Monkey-Gemini always finds innovative and iconoclastic solutions. However, the Monkey-Gemini remains inhabited by an unspeakable tension. He can suddenly become stressed or angry, risking in a moment to destroy everything he has built so far. Moreover, he isn't particularly apt for long-term efforts.

Getting rich very quickly and to the surprise of all is more in his character. In parallel, the Monkey-Gemini takes great care of his appearance and won't hesitate to spend money to look younger than his age.

Male Monkey in Love

His beauty and seductive power are an integral part of his recipe to achieve success. In love, the Monkey-Gemini loves to make surprises and expects the same degree of ingenuity from his partner. He is also able to leave if he feels dullness and loss of vital momentum in his companion.

To live fully the present moment is a sine-qua-non condition of his existence. A possessive and traditional person will won't be able to stand him for very long. Eventually, even if he thinks otherwise, age and maturity fit him well. Though the Monkey-Cancer is receptive to others, he still retains the capricious nature of Cancer. Intelligent and strategist, he doesn't give his trust easily. He appreciates the comfort of his home, beauty, luxury and pretty presents. His home is a reflection of his social status.

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Also, the care given to the interior design and decoration of his living space is essential to his balance. From the kitchen to the bathroom, everything must be perfectly functional and comfortable. The Monkey-Cancer has the constant concern to be well equipped with state-of-the-art household appliances, just as he ensures that no object that he considers harmful remains under his roof.

If he likes to collect works of art from all walks of life, he particularly enjoys alternative art. For the Monkey-Cancer, the choices of his art collection as his interior decoration are weapons with which he seduces or provokes his hosts. In his career, the Monkey-Cancer is good at managing money, his own as well as others'.

Indeed, he knows perfectly how to grow his wealth. Laid back and thoughtful, he is an outstanding chess player.

Astrology: Spirit Animals Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

If he dreams of his past, it is to better project himself into the future, never to regret the present, just as his ability to analyze past events greatly helps him achieve his ambitious aspirations. Courageous but not reckless, the Monkey-Cancer is the type to check the proper functioning of his parachute before taking off. That is why, before any cooperation, he requires to have guarantees. If unfortunate situations make him feel uncomfortable, the Monkey-Cancer still manages to pull himself out of the game and return desperate situations in his favor.

On a sentimental level, the Monkey-Cancer needs a loving and dedicated partner. His tendency to let himself be carried away and to compel his partner to take care of him all the time can cool down the most individualistic characters. Moreover, he doesn't hesitate to resort to the lie so as not to lose what he has. Still, when he has children, he becomes not only a responsible and loving parent, with the potential to become their best friend and support when they grow up.

The Monkey-Leo is passionate, curious, ambitious and intelligent. He is the most honest of Monkeys and the most clever of Leos. Friendly and petulant, the Monkey-Leo has good looks and exudes an undeniable natural charisma. Playful, he has an easy conversation, just as he appreciates good words and light-hearted conversations. The Monkey-Leo doesn't need any compliments to know his true value. The calendar of his social life is usually full and he is constantly watching that it remains. The Monkey-Leo tends to trust only his own judgments, taking advantage of his own charm and magnetism.

Proud and refined, his taste for luxury and power has no limits. As an analyst of his environment, he is very interested in others, even searching their private life if it can bring him any benefit. Fortunately for him, his admirers are numerous and often ready to defend him when he is criticized for his lack of discretion. More than an intention to harm, the Monkey-Leo likes to be aware of everything and he doesn't appreciate being left out, especially if he can feel concerned.

Moreover, the Monkey-Leo likes to be obeyed when he thinks it is in the interest of all, especially since he knows how to be generous to those who carry out his directives without complaining. Lucid, he doesn't hesitate to admit his faults and he appreciates constructive criticism. The fact is that his nature always comes back to its roots, as he can become arrogant if he feels provoked or even roar with discontent when an attack is too direct.

Apart from these slight crosses, the Monkey-Leo remains a sympathetic and endearing being. At the professional level, he is a versatile and efficient worker. Thanks to his determination and creativity, the Monkey-Leo achieves his goals quite easily. He prefers to work independently so that he is accountable only to himself.

For this reason, he is more inclined to start his own business than to give his time and his genius to a third party. On a sentimental level, the Monkey-Leo is deeply attached and loyal to his couple and his family. The Chinese sign of the Monkey attenuates the timidity of the solar sign of Virgo, while Virgo helps to make the Monkey more ethical. Endowed with a flawless practical and analytical sense, the Monkey-Virgo has an excellent memory. Driven by his secret ambition, the Monkey-Virgo advances step by step, without hurrying, in order to reach his goals more surely.

Intelligent, creative and meticulous, he is one of the most traditional Monkeys and the most skilled of Virgos. Although the initial characteristics of the two signs have almost nothing in common, they do share a particular attraction for everything related to money. As a result, the Monkey is not only a good manager, but he is also able to save in anticipation of difficult days rather than spending lavishly just to enjoy the moment.

Nevertheless, the humility and the reasonable and vain aspirations of Virgo are the breeding ground that allow the Monkey to satisfy his ambition and his ardent desires to possess precious goods that can flatter him in his self-esteem. However, the Monkey-Virgo regularly finds himself at odds with himself and he often feels misunderstood.

Monkey and Monkey Love Compatibility Horoscope

In the grip of a constant tug between seriousness and lightness, restraint and exuberance, uprightness and casualness, the Monkey-Virgo is regularly in struggle with his contradictions, especially if the characters of the two signs are themselves reinforced by a specific education. Even if it turns out that in reality the image projected by the Monkey-Virgo is only a shell that hides real inner treasures, the placidity induced by Virgo helps with time to turn the Monkey wiser and more able to assume his choices, while allowing him to calm the agitation of his soul.

Thus, the more the Monkey-Virgo gains in experience and maturity, the more he becomes able to accept himself better and find balance and inner peace. In love, the Monkey-Virgo is not one to spread the details of his romantic relationships in broad daylight. The sign of Virgo indeed allows him to smooth his appearance to let nothing show about his private life. But while Virgo brings about her this image of asceticism, especially in public, the leaping, hectic, original and tempestuous side of the Monkey is reserved for the private sphere.

Thus, only the most intimate of his relatives can have the privilege to understand his weaknesses. The Monkey-Libra is an open-minded, intelligent, friendly and talkative person. Resourceful and pragmatic, he doesn't easily back down from the challenges of everyday life. Very sociable, the Monkey-Libra likes to surround himself with many friends of all horizons. Gentle, considerate, responsible, romantic. Shy, tender, kindhearted, honest.

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