Libra weekly tarot march 26 2021

Libra Daily Horoscope

The North Node in your Gemini-ruled wellness zone all year helps you think about how little choices lead to huge results. Take small steps towards making your big dreams come true. The South Node in Sagittarius all year helps you find closure through a spiritual practice or forgiveness strategy.

Healing is yours, Capricorn! This will allow your relationship to evolve by the time of the eclipse on November Financial transformation is the theme of your year. You could feel the need to go from employee to entrepreneur and do your own thing. Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius are influencing your earned income and charging up your creativity. An innovative opportunity can change the game for you. This is a year of destiny for you, Aquarius! First, the North Node is in Gemini all year, helping you get comfortable with being "seen," taking the lead, and speaking out about what you want.

Then, Jupiter and Saturn enter your sign! Jupiter wants you to have faith, hope, and optimism—stay true to yourself, and the Universe will make your dreams come true. Saturn wants you to work on the traits you need for success, like resilience, adaptability, and vulnerability—it's all about preparation! Change in your home life can influence the trajectory of your career. Perhaps you start a side hustle that ends up making cash, or you land a job with creative flexibility, especially during the Solar Eclipse in Gemini in June.

Roll with the changes. Right now, you want to be sure that you love what you do for work—and if you don't, you'll dedicate yourself to changing that. Jupiter and Saturn move through your Aquarius-ruled completion zone this year, helping you find break free from the situations, people, and places that are holding you back. Make big moves in late spring and early summer, when you'll get a little help from Jupiter in your sign.

Take risks, name your desires, and then run straight towards them! The South Node in your Sagittarius-ruled career zone all year helps you break bad habits that prevent you from professional success like procrastination, perfectionism, and comparison. You got this, Pisces! Most of your year will involve quiet, private preparation for major changes, maybe even entirely changing careers or industries. Eclipses signal transformation, and you will experience one Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius that shake up your professional life.

You'll get a sneak peek at your career future this spring when Jupiter enters your sign for two months, sending some good luck your way!

Libra January 2021 ❤ They Are Watching You Libra

Anything you start this year a bakery? This could be your most successful year ever, Taurus Moon…if you Put!

Libra Weekly Horoscope 21 - 27 December, 2020

Start building up your resilience for long nights at the virtual office or perfecting your side gig or both. Even better: All that effort will help you find inner peace as well as cash. Yes, you can have both! Learn how to roller-skate forward before you go backward—and wear knee pads. You already know: was even worse for Cancer Moons than everyone else.

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Jupiter and Saturn in your 7th house of relationships are clearing out clutter like that FWB you keep taking back and giving you a massive glow-up like meeting a new cutie. Start with figuring out some self-care. And yes, that means start going to sleep before 2 a. Schedule plenty of me-time to think about your past and present and future , journal, go to therapy, maybe write a memoir?

The changes coming your way could be overwhelming—even for you! Go ahead and get started by trying out a new hobby or taking a fresh online class. Bliss is yours. Like, perhaps, by pulling up some weepy, nostalgic childhood memories and seeing them through your grown-up lens. Important dates by Priya Kale planetpriya. The Broad Strokes by Colin Bedell queercosmos. Your Relationship Status by Lisa Stardust lisastardustastro. Your Career by Adama Sesay lilithastrology. Your Moon Sign by Jake Register jakesastrology.

Illustrations by Emily Lynn Perelman. More Goodies. United States. Type keyword s to search. Mercury Retrograde begins.

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Saturn-Uranus Conjunction. Aries Season begins.

Jump to your Sun/Rising sign (yep, read this twice):

Jupiter enters Pisces. Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Solar Eclipse in Gemini. Venus and Mars conjunct in Leo. We're in eclipse season, and it's wise to slow down just a little. As they fall along your communications axis, eclipses are stirring your desire for variety, mental stimulation, and contact.

The need for new beginnings on the lines of communicating, learning, and commuting can become apparent. Sometimes systems break down and force new ways of doing things.

2021 Comprehensive Horoscope

New worlds can open up as you move through the world just a little differently and discover new channels for expressing yourself and connecting with others. Your dedication to your work or your craft is building. Saturn moves into your creative sector, encouraging you to bring more structure to your creative projects. Meeting responsibilities becomes a whole lot easier and natural for you with this long-term influence that is with you until March You've had a taste of this energy earlier this year.

Now, Saturn leaves your family and home sector, moving away from a stressful aspect to your sign, releasing pressure. If you haven't been feeling very comfortable or settled lately, this situation eases tremendously now. You could be adding more structure to your leisure time. A hobby can be more consuming, or you work on it more diligently or regularly.

This can be a time of special attention to children or creative enterprises. It's a time to see a more serious side of your relationships, projects, and undertakings. You'll be drawing up new or improved plans for reaching your goals. Someone or a relationship may inspire you to get your life into better shape. For much of the first year of Saturn's influence in this area of your chart, Jupiter's in the same sector.

It encourages you to find more fulfilling activities and ways to enjoy yourself. You might now get in touch with a desire or discover a new interest that can be the focus of your attention for some time into the future. You might solidify a relationship, combining the responsible and more romantic elements of your interactions very successfully at this time.

For some, one project or relationship ends while another one begins.

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  • Firming up areas of your life that have become wasteful can benefit you in many ways. This can be a good time for realizing a dream or goal, particularly along creative lines. You might make a happy commitment to a project or to improving your life. It's a wonderful time to monetize or solidify a hobby.

    Hunkering down or committing in an area of your life can be joyful. With Mercury and the Sun moving into your home and family sector on the , you begin to crave more downtime and comfort. More frequent discussions and thoughts about family, domestic life, your support system, roots, and the past can start to figure strongly.

    Horoscopes - Yearly Astrological Overview by Zodiac Sign

    Activity increases in your home, and this can include work or learning and study. Soothe yourself with the familiar and aim to shore yourself up. Attention to home and family matters increases towards the end of the month, and any imbalances between personal and professional pursuits become less tolerable. While your heart is with home and family, you're also awakening to a professional goal or dream that's coming alive inside you now. The year brings fantastic renovations to your personal life, home, and domestic or emotional world, dear Libra.

    This might happen through contact with people from an entirely different background than yours, travel, or higher learning. Next, the North Node moves into this area for an month stay. This will be an auspicious week for settling documents related to property you own or obligations you have to certain people or institutions.

    During this week you will have more meetings, contacts or gatherings with people from your family, from your circle of friends or colleagues and others. Through most contacts this week you will receive various information that will still be useful to you.

    libra weekly tarot march 26 2021 Libra weekly tarot march 26 2021
    libra weekly tarot march 26 2021 Libra weekly tarot march 26 2021
    libra weekly tarot march 26 2021 Libra weekly tarot march 26 2021
    libra weekly tarot march 26 2021 Libra weekly tarot march 26 2021
    libra weekly tarot march 26 2021 Libra weekly tarot march 26 2021
    libra weekly tarot march 26 2021 Libra weekly tarot march 26 2021
    libra weekly tarot march 26 2021 Libra weekly tarot march 26 2021
    libra weekly tarot march 26 2021 Libra weekly tarot march 26 2021
    Libra weekly tarot march 26 2021

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